The PF Has Moved!
Our new mailing address is: The Philatelic Foundation, 353 Lexington Avenue, Suite 804, New York, NY 10016. Our phone number, email and web address remain the same. We welcome visitors, so be sure to stop by and let us show off our new home!
Read More...What’s New at the PF, May 1st 2021
The Philatelic Foundation Remembers Louis Grunin
Louis Grunin, a long time trustee of The Philatelic Foundation and its chairman from 1993 to 1998 and again from 2002 to 2003, passed away on March 17, 2021 at the age of 93... Read More...What’s New at the PF, June 29th 2020
Philatelic Foundation to Award Neinken Medal to John M. Hotchner
The Philatelic Foundation will award John M. Hotchner its 2020 Neinken Medal for distinguished service to philately. Originally scheduled to be held at The Collectors Club in NYC this October, it instead will be held in October 2021 because of COVID-19...
Read More...What’s New at the PF, April 28th 2020
PF Remains Busy Issuing Certificates
All of us at the PF are in good health and remain busy logging in your submissions, examining and expertizing each stamp and cover, preparing certificates and packaging submissions and certificates for their return to their owners. Operating remotely with the support and commitment ...
Read More...What’s New at the PF, March 18th 2020
PF Continues to Expertize
The PF will continue to expertize submissions of stamps and covers during these difficult times. We have adapted our office procedures to address the challenge posed by the coronavirus. No visitors to our offices will be permitted until further notice. Read More...Long Lost Jenny Invert Reappears
Unseen for the last 100 years, one of the famous Jenny Airmail Invert stamps, known around the world to collectors as the stamp with the “Upside Down Airplane,” has now reappeared. It comes to light just in time to celebrate the centennial year of the stamp’s issuance in 1918 at the very beginning of air mail service in the United States.
The Philatelic Foundation Authenticates Stolen Jenny Invert Stamp
Matched against the PF’s detailed records, the evidence quickly pointed to the possibility that the stamp was one of the two missing from a famous block of four Jenny Inverts previously owned by Ethel McCoy which was stolen. To read more, click the photo at right.
Opinions: Philatelic Expertizing – An Inside View
The Philatelic Foundation has released a series of “Opinions” publications that brings into focus some of the items which are sent into the Philatelic Foundation for expertizing. Volumes I-IV have been uploaded and each are scanned as a PDF file and are fully text-searchable. For more details, click here.
Stamps with Low Fair Market Value
The Philatelic Foundation has announced a new service for stamps with low market value despite their high catalogue value which really reflect the value of very fine, fault-free examples. For more information, please click here.
Recently Expertized
Ever wonder what items the Philatelic Foundation has recently expertized? Here is your chance to find out!
Every couple of weeks, another newly expertized item will be featured. Click here to read more about this item.