Larry Lyons
Executive Director
Larry has been Executive Director of the Philatelic Foundation since June 2010. He has served on the Board of Directors for eleven years having had roles as Treasurer and Secretary.
Having been a member of the philatelic community for decades, Larry's involvement in organized philately has been widespread. He is widely known for his extensive and award winning collections of Carrier and Local stamps, including forgeries, and Western Express covers. Moreover, he has been a leading researcher in his fields of study, having been a recipient of numerous accolades including the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society Carroll Chase Cup (1998) and the Diane D. Boehret Award twice (2009, 2011) for Excellence in Philatelic Literature. He has published works including “The Identifier for Carriers, Locals, Fakes, Forgeries and Bogus Posts of The United States” and “The 2007 Pricing Guide for Unlisted Carriers, Locals, Fakes, Forgeries and Bogus Posts of the United States” along with over 140 original research articles in various journals and publications.
Larry is a member of numerous organizations including the Carriers and Locals Society (Editor-in-chief from 2000-present), the Collectors Club of New York, U.S. Philatelic Classics Society, American Revenue Association and the Western Cover Society.

Brian Bleckwenn
Senior Expert
A fourth generation stamp collector, he started collecting at age six. A specialist in United States First Issue Revenues, he has exhibited nationally and has received numerous gold medals. His presentation before The Collectors Club of New York received the award for that year’s best U.S. lecture.
Professionally he joined Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries in April of 1976 where he served as an auction describer and Vice President for fifteen years. He then spent two years as an auction describer and Vice President of the New York Office of Ivy, Shreve & Mader. Subsequently he served as a consultant to The Philatelic Foundation and Christie’s New York Stamp department. Upon accepting a full time position with Christie’s, he soon became a Christie’s Assistant Vice President. While at Christie’s he helped secure, describe and market Ryohei Ishikawa’s Collection of “United States Stamps and Covers 1847-1869” which was offered in a full color 365 page hardbound catalogue which remains a valuable reference book on classic United States stamps.
When Christie’s re-branded their Stamp and Coin Departments, he became a full Vice President. He became head of Spink America’s Stamp Division where he secured auction properties, wrote auction descriptions and produced their auction catalogues. When Christie’s sold their Spink Divisions to foreign investors, he rejoined The Philatelic Foundation in June 2002 as Senior Expert. He currently assists in the expertizing process, examining all categories of U.S. stamps and postal history in addition to some foreign categories. He has also written several articles which have appeared in the Philatelic Foundation’s well-respected “Opinion” series of handbooks on the expertizing process.

Deborah Davis
Secretary to the Expert Committee
Deborah joined the Foundation in 2017. Her work at the Foundation includes entering the incoming submissions into the system and linking each patient to an eventual certificate number. She is also involved in the production of certificates and their return with invoices to the clients. At the end of the expertizing process, she maintains the patient records. Deborah has extensive computer experience and is responsible for the Constant Contacts to the Philatelic Foundation clients. Deborah was previously an Executive Secretary in a busy service oriented business. She lives in NYC.